Hiroya Fujisaki@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@English/Japanese
Professor Emeritus
Mailing address: 3-31-12 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo, 150-0013 Japan
Email address:
Research Areas
Speech Communication and Spoken
Language Processing, Natural Language Processing, Human and
Artificial Intelligence, with special emphasis on modeling,
including a model of language use; a model for perceptual
processes in speech identification/discrimination (known as
the dual channel model); a model for the process of
fundamental frequency control in speech (known as the
Fujisaki model); but also, a model of road traffic flow and
its application to road traffic control systems.
Current Research Program
Analysis and Modeling of Prosody
of Spoken Languages
Brief Biography
Education and Professional Career: BS, MS, PhD
from University of Tokyo; Fulbright Scholar at MIT ('58 -'61),
Guest Researcher at KTH ('60) Joined the Faculty of
Engineering, University of Tokyo ('62), Full Professor at EE
Dept. ('73 - '91), serving twice as Chairman, Also Professor
of Speech Science, Graduate School of Medicine ('74 -'77) and
Lecturer, Dept. of Linguistics, Graduate School of Humanities
Prof. Emeritus, University of
Tokyo ('91- present); Professor, Tokyo University of Science
('91- '06)
Visiting Professorship: U. Texas,
Austin, U.S.('80); KTH, Stockholm, Sweden ('81), U. Goettingen, Germany ('81),.Nanjing
University, Nanjing, China ('85-'86), University of Science
and Technology of China, Hefei, China ('87-'91).
Project Leader, the Japanese National Project on
Advanced Human-Machine Interface Through Spoken Language
Project Leader, the Japanese
'Research-for-the-Future' Project on Human-Machine Spoken
Dialogue Systems ('96-'00)
General Chairman, IEEE-ASJ
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing (ICASSP-86) ('86)
ASJ-Chairman, the Second Joint
Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the
Acoustical Society of Japan ('88)
Founder and Chairman, the
International Conference on Spoken Language Processing
(ICSLP) ('90)
Member, the Permanent Council for
the Organization of ICPhS ('79
- '07)
Life Member, the Permanent Council
for the Organization of ICSLP ('92-present)
Member, ISCA Board ('00-'07), Life
Member, International Advisory Council ('04- ) Distinguished
Lecturer (f16-f17) of ISCA
President, the MIT Association of Japan ('82 -
President, the Boston Association
of Japan ('97 -'99)
Vice President, the Japan-China
Science and Technology Exchange Association ('03 - present)
and Memberships of Academic Societies, etc.
Fulbright Scholarship ('58-'60),
Fellow, Acoustical Society of America,
Fellow, Institute of Electronics,
Information and Communication Engineers,
Fellow, International Speech
Communication Association,
Life Member, Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Honorary Fellow, Acoustical Society of India,
Honorary Member,
Acoustical Society of Japan,
Honorary Member, International Speech
Communication Association
Member, Engineering Academy of
Corresponding Member, Goettingen Academy of Sciences
Awards and Honors
The ISCA Service Medal,
International Speech Communication Association (2015)
The ISCA Medal for Scientific
Achievement, International Speech Communication Association
The Third Millennium Medal, IEEE
The Bronze Beaver Award, The MIT
Alumni Assciation (2000)
Person of Merit in Science and
Technology, awarded by the Mayor of Tokyo (1989)
The Special Distinguished Service
Award, the Acoustical Society of America (1988)
The Meritorious Service Award, the
IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Society (1988)
The Distinguished Achievement Aard, the Institute of Electronics
and Communication Engineers of Japan (1973)
The Distinguished (Journal) Paper
Award, the Institute of Electrical Communication Engineers
of Japan (1968)
The Distinguished (Journal) Paper
Award, the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (1968)
The Inada Award for Distinguished
Paper Presented at the National Convention of the Institute
of Electrical Communication Engineers of Japan (1963)
Recent Publications and Speeches
- Three Lectures on Prosody, Modeling and
Applications (Invited Lectures), Summer School on Speech
Source Modeling (SSSS-2016), DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, India
(July 2016)
- Ambiguity, Vagueness, Variability, and
Creativity - Challenging Issues in Processing Linguistic
Information (Invited Speech), International Symposium on
Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music 2015 (FRSM
2015), Kharagpur, India
(November 2015).
- Problems and Prospects of Spoken Language
Processing in the Light of Orange Technology (Invited
speech), The Second International
Conference on Orange Technology, Xifan, China
(September 2014).
- Spoken Language Processing: Past, Present,
and Future (Invited Speech), Special Session Commemorating
the 25th Anniversary of ESCA/ISCA, INTERSPEECH 2013,
Lyon, France (September 2013).
- Analysis and Synthesis of F0 Contours of
Declarative, Interrogative, and Imperative Utterances of Bangla, Proceedings of
Oriental COCOSDA 2012, Macau, China (December 2012)
- Physiology, Physics and Mathematics of F0
Contour Generation with Application to Phonological
Representation of Tone Systems (Keynote Speech), TAL 2012 (The Third
International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages),
Nanjing, China (May 2012).
- Voices of Speech and Singing, (Invited
Speech), International Symposium on Frontiers of
Research in Speech and Music 2012 (FRSM 2012), Gurgaon, India (January 2012).
- Prosodic
Comparison of Declarative and Interrogative Utterances
in Standard Colloquial Bangla, Proceedings of
Oriental COCOSDA 2011, Hsinchu, Taiwan (October
- Prosodic
Analysis and Perception of Mandarin Utterances Conveying
Attitudes, Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2011, Fireze,
Italy (September 2011).
- Modeling of
Sentence-medial Pauses in Bangla Readout Speech:
Occurrence and Duration.
Proceedings of
INTERSPEECH 2010, Makuhari,
Japan (September 2010)
- Analysis
of Voice Fundamental Frequency Contours of Continuing
and Terminating Prosodic Phrases in Four Swiss German
Dialects, Proceedings
of INTERSPEECH 2009, Brighton, U.K. (September
- Some Basic Issues in Developing CALL Systems
- From a Laymanfs Point of View (Invited Presentation at
the Panel Discussion on CALL Systems), International
Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing 2008
(ISCSLP 2008), Kunming, China (December 2008).
- The Roles of
Silence as a Carrier of Information in Speech (Invited
Paper for the Special Session to Honor Professor Maa Dah-you),
Proceedings of INTERNOISEf08, Shanghai, China
(October 2008).
- In Search of
Models in Speech Communication Research (ISCA Medalist
Keynote Lecture), Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2008,
Brisbane, Australia, pp.1-10 (September 2008).
- Temporal
Organization of Prosodic and Segmental Features in Spoken
Japanese, Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, vol. 123, no. 5, p. 3423 (July 2008).
- The
Command-Response Model for F0 Contour Generation and its
Applications to Phonetics and Phonology, (Opening Keynote
Speech), Proceedings of the Phonetic Congress of China
2008 (PCC-2008), Beijing, China, pp.1-7 (April
- Modeling the
Control Process of Fundamental Frequency of Speech with
Applications to Analysis and Synthesis of Tone, Accent,
and Intonation (Invited Keynote), International
Symposium on Frontiers of Research in Speech and Music
2008 (FRSM 2008), Kolkata, India (February 2008).
- Beyond
Conventional Linguistics - Toward an Integrated Science of
Human Communication Through
Language, In: Festschrift for Prof. Sudaporn Luksaneeyanawin,
Chulalongkorn University
Press, Bangkok, Thailand, (September 2007).
- Physiological and
Physical Bases of the Command-Response for Generating
Fundamental Frequency Contours in Tone Languages -
Implications for the Phonology of Tones - In: Experimental
Approaches to Phonology (Maria-Josep
Sole, Patrice Speeter Beddor and Manjari
Ohala, eds.), Oxford
University Press, pp. 228-245 (2007).
- Analysis of Tones
in Cantonese Speech Based on the Command-Response Model, Phonetica, vol. 64, pp.
29-62 (2007).
- Modeling the
Control Process of Fundamental Frequency Contours of
Speech with Applications to Analysis and Representation of
the Tone Systems of Some Tone Languages, (Invited Speech),
Proceedings of 2007 Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on
Speech Science and Technology, Taipei, pp. 17-82
(March 2007).
- Comparison of
Perceived Prosodic Boundaries and Global Characteristics
of Voice Fundamental Frequency Contours in Mandarin
Speech, Proceedings of International Symposium on
Chinese Spoken Language Processing 2006, Singapore,
pp. 31-42 (December 2006).
- The Roles of
Models in Speech Communication Research (Invited Paper for
the Special Session in Honor of Manfred Schroeder), Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 120, no.
5, p. 3100 (November 2006).
- The
Command-Response Model for F0 Contours and its Application
to Phonetics and Phonology of Tone, Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, vol. 120, no. 5, p.
3086 (November 2006).
- Spoken Language
Processing - Its Goals, Problems and Prospects (Invited
Plenary Speech), The 8th International Conference on
Signal Processing,,
Guilin, China (November 2006).
- History of the
Committee on Speech Research and Related Activites in Japan (Invited Speech
in Japanese), Meeting of the Committee on Speech
Research of the ASJ/IEICE, Tsukuba, Japan (November 2006).
- Modeling the
Effects of Emphasis and Question on Fundamental Frequency
Contours of Cantonese Utterances, IEEE Transactions on
Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 14, pp.
1155 -1170 (July 2006).
- The Roles of
Physiology, Physics and Mathematics in Modeling Prosodic
Features of Speech (Invited Paper), Proceedings of
Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden, Germany (May 2006).
- The Roles of a
Generative Model in the Study of Tonal Features of Speech
(Keynote Speech), TAL 2006. La Rochelle, France
(April 2006).
- Some Issues in
Intelligent Processing of Linguistic Information (Keynote
Paper), Proceedings of SNLP 2005, Chiang Rai, Thailand (December 2005).
- The Interplay
Between Physiology, Physics and Phonetics in the
Production of Tonal Features of Speech of Various
Languages (Invited Paper), Proceedings of 10th Internatioanl Conference on
Speech and Computer, Patras,
Greece (October 2005).
- Analysis and Synthesie of Fundamental Frequency
Contours of Standard Chinese Using the Command-Response
Model, Speech Communication, vol. 47, pp. 59- 70
(September/October 2005).
- The Melodic
Features of Speech -- Interplay Between Phonetics,
Physiology and Physics -- (Invited Speech), Workshop
in Honor of Prof. Maa Dah-You in Celebration of his
90th Birthday, Beijing, China (February 2005).
- Industry-Academia
Interaction in Japan for Development of Technologies in
Speech and Language Processing (Invited Paper), Proceedings
of International Conference on Speech and Language
Systems for Human Communication, New Delhi, India
(November 2004).,
- Problems and
Prospects of Spoken Language Processing (Invited Paper), Proceedings
of International Conference on Speech and Language
Systems for Human Communication, New Delhi, India
(November 2004).
- Modeling the
Process of Speech Production as a Method for Elucidating
the Underlying Phonological Structure (Invited Speech), Conference
on Methods in Phonology (in Honor of John Ohala), Berkeley, CA (May
- Retrospects and Prospects of
Speech Communication Research (Invited Paper), Proceedings
of ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan (April 2004).
- From Traditional
Phonology to Modern Speech Processing (G. Fant, H. Fujisaki, J. Cao and Y. Xu, editors), Festschrift for
Prof. Zong-ji Wu in
Celebration of his 95th Birthday, Foreign Language
Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, China (April 2004).
- Analysis and
Synthesis of Fundamental Frequency Contours of Speech of
Some Tone Languages Based on the Command-Response Model
(Invited Paper), Proceedings of TAL 2004, Beijing,
China (March 2004).
- Information,
Prosody, and Modeling (Invited Keynote Paper), Proceedings
of Speech Prosody 2004, Nara, Japan (March 2004).
- Models in Speech
Communication Research (Invited Speech), Special
Workshop in Maui - Masters in Speech Processing - ,
Maui, Hawaii (January 2004).